A month ago, I went to my HS Principal’s office because I needed my Form137 and a certificate to prove that I really graduated in that school. The secretary told me that it will take longer. It was okay, usually it takes 1-2weeks waiting for the documents to be ready. I went back there exactly 2weeks after,just to make sure all things are ready but I failed. The secretary said it wasn’t finished yet. So okay,I get it. I told her that I badly needed it. Like superrrr BAADDDD. It’s like I’ve gone to the office almost every other day to check the progress and still nothing. Then one day, she said that it’s all done but needed the Treasurer’s signature. But unfortunately the treasurer went out-of-town, then the semestral break came and so expectedly that the staffs especially that secretary would be gone somewhere. Then Halloween. Then 2nd semester started, she said the treasurer isn’t signing any papers, so dead-end again. I personally went to the Treasurer’s Office to confront my aunt/treasurer to sign my papers. Damn! I got super excited and so relieved.Then the paper’s got signed by the School Registrar. So it’s finally overrrrr.
I thought so too. When I went to Pagadian City to submit my authenticated papers last FRIDAY. But unfortunately on the certificate written there I graduted S.Y.2008-2009. Hellooo? I smell Disasterrrrr. I graduated HS S.Y.2004-2005, so it’s impossible that they will honor my papers. Good thing that lady said just to mail the certificate back to DepEd Pagadian office, once it’s okay. Making sure to hurry because all the staff will be going to Zamboanga City for a week long event. So I texted the secretary ahead to redo my certificate and find ways to get it all ready once I get back to Dipolog City. When I had it in my hands the signature wasn’t from the Principal herself. The secretary said it was the OIC who signed because the principal was in a seminar. But the DFA won’t honor such thing. Failed! So I told her on monday I have to have it!
What happened this morning? I texted her early that I will get the certificate. She texted back that her class is on 9-10am. WTF! she really is saying I gotta wait? Then I went there at the office 11am. But she said she will look for a computer cafe to print out my paper and WAIT. I’m soooooo pisssed off. It’s 12nn, I texted her if she is still having her lunch, because I am after for the cut-off time to deliver a mail to Pagadian City. She texted back: No, I am printing your paper at my own expense. Wow! namaaaannnn. Hanep ka rin anoh?
Of course. Do you think it should be mine? For handing me the certificate that I end up the one should go to the principal to have her sign it and to have it dry-sealed too. Wow! You really got into my nerves. Me doing your job. So until now it’s not yet finished because the principal wasn’t around in the school campus this afternoon also the School Registrar. So I will go back there again tomorrow. Hope it will all be over. Then, I’ll bury them in my darkest dark memory.I didn't even got a SORRY from you secretary, for all the delays and troubles you've caused me. Damned girl!
Please secretaries from all over the world do your job well.
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