Until when shall I pay for the ”debt of gratitude" ? I think I’ve been paying for it. And I just can’t take it while they’re taking advantage of me. Ok, I was hurt when that lady blurted sharp words over the phone like I’m somebody’s bitch. Because I’M NOT. And I can’t just let it pass. Yes, past is past. All that I want is to let those zombies realized that they should STOP doing their usual business, bringing emotions and characteristics of other people down and start treating them with respect. Stop eating others' brains!!
I think I had enough. If only papa is around he would understand my situation, unlike mama. Should I wipe their shits off their asses? Should it be enough to pay for it? I did finished school. I passed the board exams. I had series of jobs. I do have a boyfriend (which they see as a negative thing) and getting married is not even our main priority. This doesn’t mean having a small brain. I just don’t want to go there and pretend while facing the zombies. I don’t want to see that B*tchvian. Lola is A-okay, of course, nothing’s wrong with our relationship.It’s just we don’t see each other. That’s all, and other apos don’t see her as well but that’s normal. Yeah yeah, it might be too late or whatever. Look, the most important person, most valued person in my life is my papa. He’s gone now and I don’t see anybody who fits in his shoes to replace him in my life. I look up to him. Yeah the zombies, they’re my relatives but I don’t want to poison my brain again. I owe much wisdom from my papa. I could see clearly all their dirty tricks. Clearly my mother is one of them so she sees me now as a villain for not coming with her in visiting those zombies. I don’t want them to eat my brain.
The uber-zombified person is B*tchvian. She has the thing called mind-control. She’s a powerful brain-washer and puts in your mind that when you DON’T follow everything she says, she’ll make sure you’ll lick the fire of hell. Well I just proved to you my dear reader I overcame the situation and I still have my brain. I’m enjoying my life just staying away from her.
And I’d like you to meet the other sister, an uberly-zombified person Nunchess.This, my friend is the kind of zombie at first glance she would actually look like an angel. But once you know her, she slowly add seasonings to your brain, cook it then eat it.
I had enough feeding them with energy and all my effort. I think they ate a small part of my brain long time ago. So I needed to grew them back!!!! Grrrrrr Hearing them talking shits you don’t want to know and yet you will know because they’re talking about it, it’s like pouring gas to myself and light myself on fire. They’re back-biters, they have all the negativity in this world. And passing their unique habit to the next generation? I just had to end it. I’m tired staring up to them. My eyes are all burnt from all madness they’re doing. Just because of that “debt-of-gratitude” I have to go through all the darkness AGAIN? All I have to do now is to stay away from the zombies. I’m still weak and facing them is not my dream yet. I know there’ll be issues again in the future and might involved my relationship with my boyfriend and my personal relationship with The Creator. I just have to be ready.
If ever I went there. What could have happen? It’ll be awkwaaaaaaard. It wouldn’t be the same as before. It’s too painful to be forgotten soon. I didn’t even received or heard an apology. So be it. I know there are people who support me in this battle and I have the most powerful MAN in my heart. To forget is to stay away and not be reminded always of the situation.
Zombieeees!!!!! Bring it on.
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