Last night, I woke up bothered by a strange noise. It came from my mother, she's dreaming. And yes, I still sleep beside my mother. I woke her up by shaking her and called her name. She said, in her dream there was a person looking at her. During dinner she relayed the whole story, turned out it was her aunt in her dream. Lola Maming is the sister of my grandmother. She is still alive by the way and lives with another sibling. Lola Maming and Mommy are inseperable, that's how my grandmother Nancy described her two sisters. Lola Maming is old with greyish white hair with slightly wrinkled skin but still you can see a beautiful face with innocent eyes and soft spoken. She never got married or had any children. She's graceful or careful with the way she carries her slender and awkwardly bent forward body. Going back to my mother's dream. Lola Maming just stood behind our kitchen's closed window. Though it's an unclear glass her face was well formed and looked straight with a blank expression. My mom tried to shoo her and she just moved in a very slow paced liked the one in horror movies staring back at her. The funny thing is, as she was telling the story my brother blurted out ' Why did you just shooed your aunt?! She is your aunt?!' and my mother answered while laughing 'She looked so scary just standing there?!' Oh mother! I know, a terrible story worth bloggin' eh?! heheh just want to mess up with your time! bwahahah :D
About Me

- bianca_kara
- Philippines
- a person who wants to have a room for writing. just having a great time sharing thoughts to myself and to lovely strangers who love to read.
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