Last night, I woke up bothered by a strange noise. It came from my mother, she's dreaming. And yes, I still sleep beside my mother. I woke her up by shaking her and called her name. She said, in her dream there was a person looking at her. During dinner she relayed the whole story, turned out it was her aunt in her dream. Lola Maming is the sister of my grandmother. She is still alive by the way and lives with another sibling. Lola Maming and Mommy are inseperable, that's how my grandmother Nancy described her two sisters. Lola Maming is old with greyish white hair with slightly wrinkled skin but still you can see a beautiful face with innocent eyes and soft spoken. She never got married or had any children. She's graceful or careful with the way she carries her slender and awkwardly bent forward body. Going back to my mother's dream. Lola Maming just stood behind our kitchen's closed window. Though it's an unclear glass her face was well formed and looked straight with a blank expression. My mom tried to shoo her and she just moved in a very slow paced liked the one in horror movies staring back at her. The funny thing is, as she was telling the story my brother blurted out ' Why did you just shooed your aunt?! She is your aunt?!' and my mother answered while laughing 'She looked so scary just standing there?!' Oh mother! I know, a terrible story worth bloggin' eh?! heheh just want to mess up with your time! bwahahah :D
I know different kinds of pain, this time it's not from working out but learning to play the keyboards! :) My father would be so happy that the organ he bought more than a decade ago is now quite useful and we are having fun playing with it. haha Playing 'Moon River" is one of my favorite. I know that this whole learning thing isn't supervised by a "pro" and I don't slap/punish myself if I hit the wrong keys - and it's pretty annoying actually! hahah But, I'm enjoying every bit of it! :D I tried "Amazing Grace" once and it was horrible.hahah Good thing I downloaded this free application from Google Play Store called "Perfect Piano" and voila I could play in an orchestra! hahah just kidding! I'll get there but I'lll be needing extreme divine intervention to make it happen! :) The first time I visited the church that I am now a member - I noticed the upright piano. The moment that Ma'am Hydie the wife of the church's pastor played a music with it, I haven't taken my eyes off and with great respect it plays only amazing Christian songs which gives more importance of the whole thing. Until now my jaw still drops from time to time. Now I hafta settle with what I have in my hands and make the most out of it. To be honest, I need overhauling when it comes to music - I'm the music teacher's nightmare - I tell you that!hahah :D
achy breaky
Before anything else I would like to say that I love NBA, traveling and food. That's just me. I am happy living a simple life though not much to be fancy but for me it's something. More than anything else I think I have what I needed for my family alone - living in this new house & there's food on our table, with not much yet to complain regarding our health. My father said that I should look after my brothers. They're doing well and my mother too. Though me and my youngest brother haven't started earning yet and the other one is still in college - it doesn't mean this is the end for us. In fact, me and my brother planned to move out to another city and hopefully start our career there. As for me that isn't the original plan, perhaps work abroad. My heart is aching now because I am trying to give up that dream. I am convincing myself that it isn't for me or for this family. I know God has a better plan for me. There are people who believed I could do better in life such as my relatives. They are my supporters but also number one criticizers. My immediate family will always be with me through my failures and success but outside that inner circle are either bringing me down or up. To be honest - I am in a position that could do more but financially incapable. I know there are others that can help me beyond what they can give but have chosen not to. Sooooooo, might as well proceed to what I have always loved - it's coming really SOON. Super excited and scared but I know in my heart it will be beautiful beyond words. =) xx
Please don't expect too much from me. I disappoint people around me most of the time and I don't think I can promise you something beautiful but a whole bunch of disappointments too. Deal with it! :)
Care Bear
I feel like I must say something. I guess this is what it is when a-l-o-n-e most of the time. I hope this little plan that I came up with will go where it suppose to go. I want to change something and it will do us all good. It is exciting and at the same time scary. God help me. :D Here's a little thought to share 'if you can't beat them - join them'. This by far is the most concrete among the others. I should've done this a very long time ago. But, instead I was just beating around the bush. :-/ So, this is it! Adventure is out there! heheh Makes me feel a little sad but I'll get use to it! ^_^
It's so nice to be happy! :) After a very long day feeling down and yet my day ended soooo well. Thankful and blessed. This is life! Everybody should feel great by the end of the their day ALWAYS! ;) I want to say something - - - oh! The moon looks incredibly gorgeous tonight! To be honest, I miss my lady friends! They're kinda busy with their own lives now. I almost/always fail wanting to know new ones. Like, I don't know what to say? I don't want it to make it look like I am trying SO hard! But really it is hard! Damn it! :-/ I am nice, funny and SHY! I can easily smell arrogance - it is such a turn off BIG TIME. I guess I should not complain being friend-LESS these days. Urggh What was that?! heheh See the joke?! No? Forget it. Awwww Mark is really an amazing boyfriend and an incredible best friend that I can talk to about anything and been keeping me company - he is just being wonderful and patient of me. I sometimes think I don't need friends but it is still different being around with females too you know. ;) I wish I can grab random females and ask if they would want to be my bestfriend for a day and together we paint our nails and braid our hair the same. HAHAH *trying hard* :D
kiss me - ed sheeran
"Kiss Me" -ed sheeran Settle down with me Cover me up Cuddle me in Lie down with me And hold me in your arms And your heart's against my chest, your lips pressed to my neck I'm falling for your eyes, but they don't know me yet And with a feeling I'll forget, I'm in love now Kiss me like you wanna be loved You wanna be loved You wanna be loved This feels like falling in love Falling in love We're falling in love Settle down with me And I'll be your safety You'll be my lady I was made to keep your body warm But I'm cold as the wind blows so hold me in your arms Oh no My heart's against your chest, your lips pressed to my neck I'm falling for your eyes, but they don't know me yet And with this feeling I'll forget, I'm in love now Kiss me like you wanna be loved You wanna be loved You wanna be loved This feels like falling in love Falling in love We're falling in love Yeah I've been feeling everything From hate to love From love to lust From lust to truth I guess that's how I know you So I hold you close to help you give it up So kiss me like you wanna be loved You wanna be loved You wanna be loved This feels like falling in love Falling in love We're falling in love Kiss me like you wanna be loved You wanna be loved You wanna be loved This feels like falling in love Falling in love We're falling in love
Last Night
Last night before sleep swallowed me - I remembered something a very long time ago. But, it feels like it just happened yesterday. You know when you thought the person that you like doesn't have time to wonder if you exist and you've proven yourself WRONG because he likes you the same way! That my friend is called VICTORY! :D oh HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my Mother J! Yeah, how ironic it is that yesterday was the death anniversarry of my father. Life. Though we always love to hate each other - we both share HATE towards Lebron James and we both share LOVE towards THE Kobe Bryant! oh mama mia! hahah
2nd Year
Today marks the 2nd Death Anniversary of my father Serafin L. Amatong. I still miss him here and there because who wouldn't - he was a funny guy and very sweet and thoughtful. He once told me that if he will be a millionaire he will feed the kids who have nothing to eat. I once worked as a child care worker, I get to care kids whom never had a formal education or a home, you know street & abused kids. I find them adorable and cute. You can tell they're doing their best to be polite since their parents are absolutely haven't done a good job of parenting so being nice is out of the question. My father was absolutely thrilled by it. When I get home from work I tell him different stories from different kids. I guess he was happy I get to care with those kind of kids. My family once decided to spent my birthday in the center to be with them and that was the most meaningful birthday everrrr! My father really treats all kids nicely. He was fond of them. In fact, everyone in our neighborhood even my friends call him 'Papang'. As for me, the kids from the center whenever they see me they will still call me ''Ma'am Kara'' with all smiles.heheh My Papa is the person who knows your happiness by heart. One thing he taught me that you don't have to spend a lot of money to be happy. Just hugs and kisses - the things to make you feel better or special. I don't regret that I didn't make a eulogy on his funeral. It's too limited and I know my Papa wouldn't want me have a heavy heart and words bidding him goodbye. We only have sweet sweet memories together - like enjoying hot chocolates on rainy days. I love you Papa and missing you a lot. xoxo
I'm such a loser! hehe Just got back to this bloggin' haven. I'm just using my phone while writing this so pardon if there are words misspelled around this post! :) Seriously, I am more of a twitter bug these past few months. I already deactivated my FB account(s) - due to incredible (nosense) discoveries I get every single day & just kept asking more of it so it has to stop before I get into more trouble. Anyhow, there are lots of things happenned and I thought would happen but didn't in my life. Career wise - I'm such a loser. Now, I don't mean to interrupt your negative thoughts of me but you know it can happen to somebody at some point in their lives. To me, it came this early. So, there is nowhere to go but UP my friend and to never discourage. Well, if hatred could even swallow I wouldn't be alive today. But, God is good. He armored me with His unconditional love and he gave me a man who so dearly loves me beyond my imagination. They are that kept me strong and fueled me with hope and faith. I may not be able to see how my day would end but I know I have enough to get me through it. It is something that I am thankful for and I know I am blessed and loved more than I can ask for. :) This blog has been with me since I was in college. The ugly; to the nastiest side; to the crazy side of me is also here. I am hopeful that it will soar high above with only positivity and hope and most especially filled with happiness. :) Until my next post! :-*
About Me

- bianca_kara
- Philippines
- a person who wants to have a room for writing. just having a great time sharing thoughts to myself and to lovely strangers who love to read.