There is this couple. I really looked up to them. I loved them like they're part of my life. And then after 5 long years they decided to end it up. Nobody really knows the real story behind. It crushed me inside. But their courage is unbelievable. To leave what they used to have behind and move on to another life, is extremely devastating. But hey, if they're not happy anym0re then be it. What comes into my mind now is this, mind your own business. Yeah, i got so attached to them thinking that someday that will be my story. Well, it shouldn't be now that's for sure. As for me, i met the person i want to be with for the rest of my life. Let all those who don't believe in forever be hunters. For me, you have to think of the basics in life. Simplicity isn't hard to achieve same with relationships. Fight if it's really worth fighting for. 'Cause it's when you appreciate each other's existence. It will blossom in silence and just let others notice it. If they say there's more to life than this.. You'll say more will come in God's time. For now, is this. <3
About Me

- bianca_kara
- Philippines
- a person who wants to have a room for writing. just having a great time sharing thoughts to myself and to lovely strangers who love to read.
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