Mind in action.
": So what is it you want to say now?
k: nothing.
":Spit it.
k: I have a question.
Why is it at Buyog they don't serve fried buyog?hehe
3 in the morning...
just droppin by to say i miss doing this...
xoxo to my blog =)
I hope I could still think at this moment. we'll see where this is goin'
Yesterday morning when I woke I checked the time woooaaah wel it was 5:58 a.m.- the past few days were like waking up later than that. So I was amazed. Then went back in forcing myself to absorbed every second that I could help myself to increase my number of sleeping hours but failed again.
How much more now, right?
Why am i depriving myself to sleep? I think 'cause I got used to it. But don't be silly, of course I know it's not that good. If I could improve myself in doin' the right thing? it would destroy the equilibrium of the earth. Such a catastrophe (sigh) heheh
Well well well
Nothin much to say but thanks for checkin out this site...
I forgot there were embarrassing infos written all over but I have nothin to hide
I rarely come visit here because it's time consuming and brain freezing. I'm just a typical pen and paper kind of person. =)
So what have you been up to lately huh?
Just wish you're doin fine...
i miss you
This week is somewhat turning into hell
research exams name it they're all in this week duty too
oh, thanks for telling me those stuffs it's really nice to know what are the things that crosses your mind i really appreciate it
ay el-ow-vi-i way-ow-yu
and always will
il take my zzzzzzzzzzz now
About Me

- bianca_kara
- Philippines
- a person who wants to have a room for writing. just having a great time sharing thoughts to myself and to lovely strangers who love to read.